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  • Writer's pictureJosh Gurango

Coffee & Theology: So What if God is "Triune"?

Ptr. Joseph Mangahas and Josh Gurango were joined by Ptr. Andrew Courtis for another Coffee & Theology online hangout. We set out to answer the question: so what if God is "Triune"? You can find the timestamps for the four main questions we sought to answer below.

00:04:33 #1 - Does that Bible clearly teach that God eternally exists in Three Persons?

00:32:38 #2 - What do theologians mean when they say that the Son is "eternally begotten"?

00:55:26 #3 - How does understanding the Trinity inform our doctrine of salvation?

01:13:36 #4 - In what ways should our life of worship be shaped by the Trinity?

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