The Melbourne Reformation Society was blessed to be joined by John Lee to discuss the important movement called "Reformed Scholasticism," and how the scholastics help us envision a healthy, God-honouring, and Christ-exalting relationship between the Academy and the Church. An outline of John's lecture can be found below.
John is currently the Assistant to the Principal at the Reformed Theological College, Australia. He is a Doctoral Candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University of Amsterdam) and is a graduate of Westminster Seminary, California.
00:04:20 - INTRODUCTION | Academy and Church: The Issue
00:18:09 - PART 1 | Reformed Scholasticism: Universities, Professors, and Curriculum
00:59:45 - PART 2 | Reformed Scholasticism and Confessional Theology
01:24:40 - PART 3 |Reformed Scholasticism and Catholic Theology
01:43:40 - CONCLUSION | Confessional Relationship Between Academy and Church